Does your desktop often look like this at the end of a busy, productive day?
If so, you might have a screenshot problem.
Screenshots are such a critical part of collaboration. But an efficient workflow surrounding them is often overlooked. Most products that even attempt to solve this problem usually just offer something around “auto uploading” every screenshot you take. But we believe that’s not the optimal approach for two reasons:
- Not every screenshot you take throughout the day is meant to be shared. Sometimes, especially as a designer or a developer, you might take a screenshot as part of your own personal workflow. In this case, uploading it to the cloud us unnecessary. It also might be of sensitive information that you don’t want uploaded to the cloud.
- For all the screenshots that you do want to share, you still end up with a cluttered mess of files sitting around on your desktop or Dropbox folder that you have to clean up later.
Sharing Screenshots with Droplr
Early on, we decided to take a different approach with Droplr and sharing screenshots. We give you capture controls, both via our menu-bar app and system hotkeys, that allow you to take a screenshot. After your screenshot is saved, a short link is generated that you can send to anyone, anywhere to share the screen capture. And this is all without having to save the file to your desktop.
This method of taking screenshots comes directly from our “share it and forget it” philosophy of working.
On the Mac app, we even made the screenshot hotkey just one key away from OS X’s standard screenshot hotkey. On OS X, to take a standard screenshot, you press “cmd+shift+4”. With Droplr installed, using “opt+shift+4” will give you the same system screenshot controls, but instead of saving the file to your desktop, it will upload it to our service and copy the link to your clipboard. It really is just a better way to work.
We keep iterating on this workflow to make visual collaboration with Droplr as seamless as possible. We have also added both the ability to a) annotate screenshot images with shapes, arrows and text and b) capture screen video instead of just a static image.
If you haven’t tried these latest features, download the newest version of our app and give them a shot. Also, if you’re not a Droplr user yet, you can try it out for FREE for 3 days!