Geek Powered Studios is one of Austin’s best SEO companies and features a team of award-winning SEO and PPC experts, marketers, web designers, content writers, and video producers. Check out what they have to say about Droplr becoming their top productivity tool:
Droplr streamlines processes
Amy Millett, Designer
“Droplr is an incredibly useful tool. It streamlines our design process and makes it easy to get feedback without needing to save or upload files.”
Paul Capetola, Designer
“The easiest way to share your work. Droplr has been, by far, the best way I’ve found to share my work with other designers or clients. I don’t even have to think about it.”
“I can share a finished file through a short link, or take a screenshot of something I’m working on for immediate feedback. You can use hotkeys – like taking any other screenshot, and after posting the link in Slack to share with your team, the image automatically opens. No more worrying about file sizes or even exporting files – you can pretty much just click and share. Droplr has been amazing!”
Droplr is an integral part of my communication with clients
Shavanna Pinder, Design Team Lead
“Droplr is one of my favorite tools and I use it every single day at work. It makes sharing links and files so easy, especially when we have to communicate with clients. It doesn’t complicate the process, just click the Droplr link and view.”
“I’m in the design field and it saves me so much time when I can create a shareable screenshot of what I’m working on in less than three seconds. I can also quickly make screencasts of visual tips or processes. It’s also great for providing feedback. With Droplr I can take a screenshot, mark it up with comments within the app, and then provide that markup to a team member without needing to write a paragraph worth of explanations.”
“Droplr is so integrated within my work life that I would have a hard time living without it. I highly recommend this tool.”
Droplr is a productivity tool
Blaine Bowers, Director of Design
“Droplr has definitely made my life as a designer more efficient. Drops are an integral part of our design team’s workday and to our client feedback process. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even think about it anymore. I’m always a keyboard shortcut away from sharing my work!”
When sharing anything in their work environment is effortless, Geek Powered Studios employees can work smarter. With Droplr, they can focus on what they do best at and that’s producing real results and helping other companies grow!