After the rush and flurry of the run-up to holidays, we hope you’ve finally gotten some more time to wind down with some recommended reading from Droplr. How about spending it on a good read? We’ve picked 3 articles published on our blog this year that you wouldn’t want to miss out on:

A Simple Way to Improve Customer Support
Your customer support team’s role in building customer loyalty cannot be overvalued. Your customer success people are the ones that on a daily basis navigate situations with the potential to either win or lose customers forever.
If you see their job as more than problem-solving, this blog post is for you. It covers our integration with Intercom, but it’s much more than a news release. It gives you an idea of how to deal with your customers in a way that creates a sense of having a real, face to face human interaction, despite the distance. Ultimately, it tells you how to build customer loyalty while solving problems effectively. Read on…

Remote Done Right
This is an article we’ve written in cooperation with Articulate, the company developing e-learning solutions that is experienced in remote work, and therefore very much worth learning from and being on our recommended reading list.
From the blog post, you’ll learn how to stay on top of your team productivity and ensure the job is done when you’re in charge of a remote team, with limited face to face interaction.
You’ll also find out how to achieve the seemingly impossible: the sense of belonging to an organization and being part of a team that distributed across disparate locations. We’ve found the conversation with Articulate very inspiring and we’re sure so will you. Read on…

Secrets of Successful Remote Teams
The last, but not least on the recommended reading list is, in turn, our CEO’s take on managing remote teams. You may not realize that Droplr too is a remote company. Our teams are spread across the US, and we have also a new office opened in Europe this year.
Read this blog post, if you want to learn how Gray Skinner – the man behind the wheel manages to make all the distributed teams cooperate together. He shares with you the do’s and don’ts of a boss in charge of a remote team, as well as what mindset a remote worker should adopt to succeed and thrive in this work model.
Finally, you’ll gain some insight into what criteria to use when looking for the tools that help you at work. Read more…
This is our recommended reading from the year. What are your recommending reading posts from our blog?