Did you know two famous artists and their works are ripe with branding tips and information? Let me set the scene.
It’s a beautiful, sunny May weekday in Wrocław. I love my morning commute to work. Maybe that’s an unusual thing to say, but it’s true. Today, however, I’m both relaxed and excited at the same time. I’m looking forward to watching the day unfold.
It’s the last day of a hackathon at Droplr, plus we’re planning to see an unusual exhibition at a nearby museum called Dali & Warhol. The Versatile Genius.
I love art, but I’ve never been too interested in museums or exhibitions. I appreciate their cultural importance but I’ve always been more into performance art than painting – I love music, dance, theatre. I’m sensitive to design and beautiful color patterns but watching classical paintings hardly ever stirred deep emotions in me. Standing there in front of the museum, little do I know that this day will completely change my way of thinking.
We (Droplr) are entering the hall. The whole scene is shot through with theatricality that begins in the doorway. There’s a stark contrast between the bright, soft light of the sunny day and the darkness of the hall. The dominant black is broken by the lightness of white and the vivaciousness of red. At the end of a narrow passage in the distance, we see a bright pink hue that oddly compels us to come closer.
With hindsight, I think the exhibition left such a lasting impression on me because of the simple fact that it immerses you in the story you’re told, causing the experience to stick with you.
Unexpected lessons in branding
Surprisingly, there are quite a few branding tips that marketers can learn about marketing and branding from the way the exhibition was done, and from the artist themselves. It’s no wonder: the art of Dali and Warhol has undoubtedly permeated our culture to a great extent. You don’t have to be a culture vulture to be able to name at least one piece of their art.
Whether you realize it or not, you’ve most likely been closer to Salvador Dali’s art than you imagine. I bet you’ve consumed it with great pleasure, indulging in its sweetness.

Wondering what art I’m talking about? Not many people know that Chupa Chups’ logo is designed by Salvador Dali. What’s makes the story even more interesting is that the logo didn’t come from a formal business transaction.
As the story goes, Dali was inspired to design the wrapper after a friendly talk over coffee. His friend Enric Bernat, the founder of Chupa Chups, complained that his product wasn’t gaining popularity. Seeing him worried–, Dali immediately got down to sketching his ideas on a newspaper and, supposedly, didn’t stop for hours.
The change of the packaging was a turning point for the brand, which doesn’t come as a surprise – for both Warhol and Dali communicating through images was like breathing.
Deep understanding of symbolism and subversive playfulness helped the artists built strong personal brands for themselves in times when the idea wasn’t so popular. Not only did they shape the course that art took, but they also had a profound impact on mass culture in general.
So, what branding tips can you learn from these famous figures? I can think of at least five:
Branding Tip #1: Follow your nose when telling a story
Storytelling divides people into two categories: the ardent advocates and the skeptical. If you’re the latter, you might ask yourself why you like books or a good movie that engages your emotions and perhaps influences your choices. This is because our brains are wired to interpret reality through stories.
All stories have heroes, but good stories have heroes you can relate to – they are fallible like you, and they have their quirks and weaknesses. They also have grand dreams and ambitions they’re striving to reach. Does this description ring a bell?
So, make your brand tell a good story. Start with your “why” and write it in bold. Make it grand and do not despair over the weaknesses of the hero. A fallible hero is a loveable hero. Trust your instincts and keep your eyes on the “why”, so you tell a coherent, compelling story your audience wants to be part of. When creating a brand image, you always start with a story.
Also, use the senses when telling it. You don’t have to paint it in Ultra Violet. But do be aware of color psychology – make the colors reflect your values and align the whole communication with what the message the colors covey. Lastly, tap into other senses like taste and smell in your messaging. The more senses you activate, the stronger your branding image will be.
Branding Tip #2: Create unforgettable branded experiences
The visit to the exhibition left a lasting impression on me. I was taken on a journey during which I could smell, touch, hear, see, and get to know two intriguing personas. As a brand, you should strive to do the same for your customers. And I don’t mean organizing extravagant trade fair stalls or throwing lavish promotional events.
Think of the touchpoints your customers have with your brand. What can you do to make their journey memorable, what senses will you appeal to with your messaging? Which emotions do you want to evoke? What memories do you seek to create? Of all the branding tips, this is one that should stick with you as strongly as it will stick with your customers.
Design a fascinating story – send your customers on an engaging journey. And while this might feel counterintuitive, you don’t want to remove all the obstacles from your customer’s path.

Branding Tip #3: Make unexpected connections
The Campbell’s soup picture is one of Andy Warhol’s most popular paintings. In 2018, we’ve probably seen it all, and a soup label as a form of art doesn’t impress us anymore. But in 1962, when the painting was created, it stirred controversy and shook the public opinion.
I’m not trying to encourage you to strive to seek out controversy at all costs. That’s a daunting task. What you can learn from this branding tip as a marketer or an entrepreneur is setting expectations for your marketing team to promote playfulness and not be afraid of going against the flow is important. Uniquely branding your business can set you apart from your competitors.
Branding Tip #4: Be playful when creating a brand
Look around, see what’s going on and what’s important for people, what they talk about. Be curious, go to events, go to the places your customers visit and comment on them in your messaging. Make witty allusions. Give your audience a wink and a nod. Engage in a conversation with them and show that you care.
Following Vadim Grigorian’s advice, make unexpected connections. Your audience lives in a certain context, and your role is to know that context and address it in a surprising way, this is how branding ideas are born. Make them smile and feel understood.

Branding Tip #5: Steal Mona Lisa
There was a time when the Mona Lisa vanished without a trace for 2 years. The man who sneaked the painting out of the Louvre was Vincenzo Peruggia, an art lover, and a patriot. Whether he was simply in awe of Mona’s mysterious smile or he wanted justice to be done by bringing her back to Italy remains unclear. The fact is that the transgression served her well. Once found, da Vinci’s painting acquired the status of a legend and went on a tour, which only boosted her fame and value.
Last but not least, one of our most important branding tips is #5: Be a thief! Elevate the works of others by referring to them, making allusions, commenting, gently mocking. Just like art is a conversation, so is marketing. So, start the conversation and don’t be afraid of referring to other people’s ideas. If you do this wisely, you’ll avoid falling into the trap of being a dull, unoriginal copycat. Chances are you’ll produce a message that’s witty and rich with meaning because it exists in context.
Let’s leave the easel to dry
I hope my story and our branding tips have inspired you to be playful with your brands and to explore the artistic side of you. In a worst-case scenario, you’ve learned some fun facts you haven’t heard about.