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Jira Top Uses

  1. Bug and Issue Tracking

    The application’s top use centers around bug and issue tracking. Jira can help you organize issues that come across both newly developed app startups as well as large existing and well functioning apps. As many teams know, it can be difficult to track software bugs and even more difficult to watch their progression. Jira can help developers rate the importance of a bug and update the rest of the team on how they are fixing it and its development.

  2. Project Management

    Multiple teams within an organization can access Jira and manage projects with each other. A company’s development team can update it’s customer support team and vice versa. Within Jira, users can also create road maps to keep a company’s goals focused and on track, ensuring that a project is heading in the right directions and steps to achieve those goals can be laid out.

  3. Communication

    Projects with multiple team members and roles can easily communicate with each other through the application. With multiple tagging and alert notifications and tools, individuals can stay updated with a project’s progression. Easy reporting tools can also help all individuals alert development teams on different issues and tasks.

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