We’ve just pushed out another web update to Droplr’s web application, recycled edition™. For the goods, log in and make sure and do a shift-refresh to clear your cache.
- We’ve added a settings page finally where you can manage your account information including your name, email address and password.
- We’ve added a few display options for the app pages, mainly giving you the control over how many items show on a page before pagination occurs.
- We’ve added the ability for different domains when using Droplr. Currently, the default behaviour is to link an item with “https://droplr.com/LINK” but we’ve had some feedback that some people would appreciate shorter URLs. We’ve added another domain option which will be “http://drp.ly/LINK”, very similar to http://bit.ly which many people are already familiar with due to its large use on Twitter. As well, you can use your own domain if you’d like! Go to the settings page once logged in to check it all out.
- You can now navigate the web interface with the keyboard. This should just give those power users a way to navigate around without having to use the mouse as much. We’ve tried to keep to some standard conventions such as “j/k” for previous/next page, “1” for home and “2-5” for toolbar items. You can find a full list of the keyboard shortcuts on the help page once logged in.
*note on the custom domains, the web app currently supports these but if you use a large domain the display in the popup will be a little wonky. It still works just fine but we’ll have a fix for this display issue in our next release.
We have a few tiny updates to push out later in this week for the web app and then we’ll be turning our attention to the desktop application for a major update. We have some really cool & exciting things planned for it for this next release … so stay tuned!
As always, we really appreciate your feedback! Let us know what you think in the comments section1